Scholar Practitioner Project (11–15 pages)


An education and awareness campaign to help homeless Veterans

1. Explain the social change issue.

2. Describe the community you have selected.

3. Differentiate between need and demand as they relate to the issue and community.

4. Outline/describe steps you would take to conduct a needs assessment.

5. Describe the current state of social policies that either do or do not address the social change issue

you identified.

6. State which stakeholders you would contact and why you would contact each.

7. Develop a survey related to your social change issue.

8. The survey must be at least 10 questions.

9. Provide a short justification for each question on the survey.

10. Provide a rationale for the type/format of questions on the survey.

11. State how you would vary items on the survey based on the role of the stakeholders who would complete it (administration, leadership, staff, recipient of surveys)

12. Identifying the population which can be the target for change or can be stakeholders who are involved in the process.

13. Outline your proposed policy or policy change.

14. Describe and justify at least two advocacy intervention strategies appropriate to your policy. Support your strategies with reference to the Learning Resources, your annotated bibliography, and current literature.

15.Develop a detailed plan for implementation of your policy or policy change. Include descriptions of your timeline, necessary resources, and desired outcomes, as well as an explanation of how you will measure achievement of those outcomes.

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