1). Your writing needs to be objective. Go through your draft and line out all references to your own

personal opinions, your statements of your own likes and dislikes, your own agreement or

disagreements with the author. Take out verbiage that reads like advertising copy, either recommending

2). Stick with facts. If you don’t have a clear basis for knowing what you have written, leave it out.

Don’t say things you don’t know or would have trouble backing up if asked. (In this kind of writing

references generally do not need to be listed.)

3). Organize your writing (and your thoughts!) under headings as outlined in the class assignment. This

outline is intended to provide an analytical framework for the development of both your own

4). Make it information-dense but brief. This means you want to give careful thought to the information

you want to convey and use your words well to convey that information efficiently. You can have long

sentences with supportive or elaborating clauses (efficiently conveying much information), but have

short paragraphs (stop writing when you have conveyed your information). Do write in complete

5). Format your writing with headings in bold and make clear division into paragraphs with white space

between (a typical business report format). You want your reader to be able to take in the organization

of your report with a quick glance, and to be able to easily return to a section of your report later.

6). Proofread: Spell check and ask someone else to read over your paper to help you spot typographical

errors, grammar errors, or hard-to-follow writing.


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