Week 7: Lesson 6: Ambiguous Loss, Trauma and Resilience
• Readings: Loss, Trauma and Resilience: Chapters 3-5; Supplemental Readings: Luster, Qin, Bates, Johnson, & Rana (2008)
• Lectures:
o Unit 3: Loss &Trauma, transcript
• Assignment: Discussion 4: A study of ambiguous loss: “The Lost Boys”

For this discussion I want you to draw linkages between Pauline Boss’s chapters on loss and trauma and research that was conducted on The Lost Boys. In your original post, briefly describe the study in relation to Boss’s concepts of how individuals and families can be resilient by finding meaning, tempering mastery, revising attachment, and finding hope.

The questions below can help you with this task.

• What was the goal of the research study? That is, what research question(s) were the researchers trying to answer?
• Who was in the study sample and how were they recruited to be in the study? Describe how many, some characteristics (e.g., age, gender).
• What were the main findings of the study, and how do they related to Boss’s work on trauma, loss, and resiliency?
o What traumatic experiences did the participants in the study have?
o Did the participants experience ambiguous loss? How do you know? (describe evidence of this in terms of Boss’s work).
o What strategies did the participants use to deal with their loss and trauma? Describe this in terms of Boss’s work. Focus on the most relevant concepts that link your research reading with the assigned chapters (e.g., finding meaning, hope, etc.)
• What is the most important information you take away from the study you have read? What do you learn from it that you might be able to use to help those who experience ambiguous loss such as this? Include appropriate citations and references in your post (use APA), and remember to provide feedback that engages and stimulates discussion.

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