a proposal for working with a group.

Describe your planning for this group, including the following details:

  1. Identify and discuss a practice context where you believe group-work is an appropriate social work intervention for change. (750 words)
  2. Outline the type of group, 1 purpose statement and 3 aims outcome statements that are be appropriate for this situation. (100 words)
  3. Outline and discuss the proposed leadership structure of the group. (450 words)
  4. Outline the process that you would take to identify, recruit and engage with the people who may participate in this group. (550 words)
  5. Provide a description of the ‘ideal’ physical setting and any resources needed to run the group. (250 words)

Outline the criteria and process of evaluation that would be used to assess the effectiveness of the group program. (400 words)


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