A multi story building is to be designed and constructed in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs. A preliminary assessment by the engineer has nominated that a concrete framed building would be most suitable. The engineer has nominated the geometry of the structure as per figures 1 and 2 below. The beams and columns will be rigidly connected using steel reinforcement and should be designed as a moment resisting frame to resist the horizontal forces which will be imposed on the structure due to wind actions (Wu) in the locations shown in figure 1. The columns are fully fixed into footings at their base and footing to column connection can be assumed as rigid for design purposes. All column dimensions should be taken as 500mm x 500mm square in cross section. Each level is to be designed for retail loads (shopping areas, classification D in AS1170.1 table 3.1) using respective dead and live loads extracted from AS1170.1. After analysis by the engineer, dead load (DL) including finishes is to be taken as 15 kN/m and the live load (LL) should be taken as 40 kN/m. A wind loading analysis conducted by the engineer has determined that a constant positive wind load of (Wu) of 50 kN at each level.

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