1. a) Explain
TEN rules that should be observed in the classification of
information resources in a library giving a justification for each.

Describe the logical steps that should be followed in the practical
classification of a book in a library.

Using the Dewey decimal classification scheme, assign CLASS NUMBERS to
the books whose titles and other relevant details are given below in questions 2
and 3. (State the edition of DDC you use).

Page 1 of 5

Title Page

The Complete Guide
to Library Acquisitions
Frances C. Wilkinson
Linda K. Lewis

Libraries Unlimited
London. Westport.

Other Details
The authors intend this book to provide the reader with both philosophical and
procedural approaches to acquisitions. They discuss how acquisitions
departments are organized; explain what to look for when selecting an
acquisitions system and how they work; provide insights into the publishing
industry; advise how to select and evaluate book and serials vendors; describe
how to acquire books, serials, electronic resources, out offprint materials, gifts
and exchanges among others. They also explore some thoughts about
professional ethics in acquisitions.

Page 2 of 5

Title Page

Rethinking Educational
W.B. Dockrell

David Hamilton

Hodder and Stougton
London. Sydney.Toronto

Other Details
This volume provides an overview of recent thinking in educational research.
The authors’ original intention was to prepare a volume on educational research in
Europe, but soon it became clear that such a book would be repetitive, and
moreover, would fail to capture the intellectual doubts and unease felt by much of
the research community. The volume was therefore recast to include chapters
that were representative of new thinking, irrespective of where it was taking

Using the Library of Congress classification scheme and the Library of Congress
Book number table, assign CALL NUMBERS to the books whose titles and
other relevant details are given below in questions 4 and 5.

Page 3 of 5

Title Page

Ambulatory Care

Austin Ross
Stephen J. Williams
Eldon L. Schafer

Second Revised Edition
Delmar Publishers Inc.
Albany. New York.

Other Details
A dramatic explosion in the popularity of medical group practice has occurred
since the first edition of this book was published. Simultaneously, an equally
exciting and forceful expansion of the role of the administrator, and of the
sophistication and skills required to manage a practice, have also been witnessed
in the field of ambulatory care management. The objectives of this edition are
the same as those of the first namely: to serve as a text and reference for both
students and administrators, to be applied and practical rather than theoretical, to
cover coherently the major topics the administrator should know to be able to
function effectively, and to be applicable to all settings in which ambulatory care
is provided.

Page 4 of 5

Title Page

Reading Retardation
and Multi-Sensory

Charles Hulme
Fourth Edition

Routledge & Kegan Paul
London. Boston.

Other Details
This book is based on the author’s doctoral thesis and the research reported here
was carried out at the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of
Oxford. The author argues that reading is the most complex skill generally taught
in schools, and failure in learning to read is clearly highly detrimental
educationally and socially. It is now generally recognized that there are a
number of children of adequate general intelligence who nevertheless experience
inordinate difficulties in learning how to read. This book examines some of the
possible reasons for the children’s reading difficulties and at the same time
explores the basis of a teaching technique which is reputed to help them learn to





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