A data buffer named DATA BUFF[50] of type CHAR and size 50 bytes is used to store bytes that are transmitted using UART interface. A variable BYTE COUNT of type INT represents the number of bytes in DATA BUFF waiting for transmission. The bytes are to be transmitted using UART1 configuration preformed in Exercise 11.4. A function named UART Send Data() writes data to DATA BUFF, updates variable BYTE COUNT, and enables transmission interrupt. Write the interrupt service routine UART1 Handler() responsible to transmit all the data bytes in DATA BUFF.
Exercise 11.4
Write a C program to configure UART1 module of TM4C123, for both transmission and reception of data, with baud rate 19200, 8 data bits, even parity, and 2 stop bits. Assume that the processor and UART module are operating at a system clock frequency of 40 MHz.