Write a 5,000 words about a classical contemporary composition written after 1960 (ask me if you are unsure if a particular piece falls into this tradition).

Your paper should discuss one or more of the following:

• Analyze the work in terms of its thematic material. Discuss how the composer’s notion of theme deviates from a traditional definition. Include example passages from the score.

• Discuss the work in terms of how it can be seen as a reaction to European

avant-garde Modernism. Include example passages from the score.

• Discuss aspects of the work that make it a good example of a particular

musical movement – Minimalism, Postmodernism, Spectralism, Aleatoric music, or Theatrical music. Include example passages from the score.

Your paper should be typed and should properly cite several academic sources.

Reference: Harvard Style


A classical contemporary means to write about a single piece of music, not give and overview of contemporary music in general.


The reference is in Harvard style.
Please noted that this assignment, you have to choose a single piece of music which is a classical contemporary composition written after 1960.

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