A 32-year-old woman presents to the ED after an aggressive outburst at work where her behavior was deemed a threat to others. Her coworkers state that she is normally very dependable, kind, and gracious, but that over the course of the week they noticed that she was especially reserved and at times found her conversing with herself. Her initial vitals include HR of 89 beats per minute, RR of 15 breaths per minute, and BP of 130/75 mm Hg with oxygen saturation of 99% on room air. She tells you that she was recently started on a new medication. Which of the following types of medications may be responsible for this patient’s behavior?

a. β-Blockers

b. Oral contraceptives

c. Corticosteroids

d. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

e. Calcium channel blockers

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