a) You have been recruited to establish an archive service in a public institution. Highlight four methods you would use to built up the archives collection. (8 MARKS)
b) Explain the structure of the central government in Kenya during the colonial period. (12 marks)
. a) Highlight four objectives of appraising records in a registry. (8 marks)
b) Explain four roles of the local government during the colonial period in Kenya. (12 marks)
. a) Describe four major sections that may be found in an archive building their main function. (12 marks)
b) Explain how company rules were applied in east Africa by colonialists. (8 marks)
. a) Describe four tools that can be used in retrieving information materials in an archives institution. (8 marks)
b) Describe the following indigenous political systems in East Africa.
a) Council of elders
b) Chiefdom
c) Kingdom
d) Age-set system (12 marks)






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