Research Plan option 2
In this research we are interested in social enterprises like ‘Business by Bike’ use social networks to support their activities with local communities in the developing world.
Firstly we undertake a general introductory literature review and identify prior research on this topic especially in the aspects of social network theory. Then we embed a researcher with one of their projects located in a township in South Africa to undertake ethnographic research. In this project a new initiative is starting that will set up a bicycle repair workshop, train the local mechanics and distribute 450 bicycles to the community. This researcher works as a volunteer with them in the community for 6 months. During the day they take field notes and in the evenings write up their reflections on their activities that day. Whilst living in the community they take the opportunity to observe but also to meet with community members and organisations linked to the project and interview them. At the end of 6 months the notes collected are coded and analysed to come up with conclusions on how social capital and networks are used by this organisation and implications for theory in this area.

In this assignment please produce a response to these five elements. In answering each question you should draw on theories and literature on best practice research methods and the specific techniques employed. The word counts are suggestions but you must address each section. The total word count is 2500 (+/- 10%). There is one composite mark given that covers the whole response (it is not judged proportionally based on word count) but failure to complete one element will result in a mark deduction.
1. With reference to the Saunder’s research onion describe the research philosophy, approach, strategy, choices and time horizon for this research plan. For each element of this you are to justify WHY you came to this conclusion (suggested length of 600 words)

2. What are the key limitations and problems that might occur with this proposed research plan? You can comment here on thinks like the sampling frame, the issues with the specific techniques chosen, the way data might be collected, data analysis etc (suggested length of 500 words)

3. Is it appropriate to consider the reliability, validity and generalizability of your research instruments and ultimate findings? Explain your answer (suggested length of 400 words)

4. What are the key ethical issues this research raises and how might you address them? (suggested length of 500 words)

5. Consider how you might investigate this research topic using a survey. Describe the basic research plan for this explaining how you would collect data, (sample size, respondent selection) what the data might be and how you would analyse it (suggested length of 500 words) explaining and justifying your reasoning for these decisions. Remember you do not have to restrict this data collection just to this specific social enterprises but can include other social enterprises in your sample in related fields or locations


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