Good storytelling requires that our visuals are done properly. By that, it means that the visual is
conveying facts correctly and is itself factual, and it does deliver the intended message to the
audience. This is increasingly becoming important among employers and in some instances,
visualisation questions are part of the interview process to ascertain your suitability as a data
scientist hire.
In interview scenarios, the common kind of ‘test’ comes in the form of (i) asking you to comment
on an existing/given visualisation or (ii) asking you to walk them through the process of graphing a
small data set. The aim is to ensure that you not only understand analytics but also the art of
communicating that to stakeholders effectively.
In this assignment, you will be asked to undertake three tasks related to the above.
1. The figure below1
is taken from a repository of “bad visualisations”.
• Comment what is wrong with this visual. Support your comments through the use of
appropriate frameworks and/or principles discussed in lectures or available from
other sources
• Provide a visual to show how you would improve it, and articulate how and why it is
better through the use of the aforementioned frameworks and/or principles.
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