An independent-samples hypothesis test helps us determine if two groups (for example, cats and dogs) substantively differ with respect to a social value as measured by an interval-ratio variable (for example, feelings about lasagna measured on a scale from 1 to 10). For this project, you will be asked to prepare a report that tells us how two groups (for example, the US and Spain) differ with respect to one social value variable related to a UN SDG of your choice. Stated differently, you’ll be comparing local and global data and relating it back to the Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the United Nations.
- Click here to download the Project 3 Guidebook
- This document contains the instructions, rubric, example, data information, and SPSS instructions needed for the project.
- Click here to download the NEW Project 3 data file: Project 3 STA2122 Class Data 2020.sav
- This is NEW DATA is taken from the Pew research center’s Global Attitudes Survey.
- You will need to open this NEW DATA file in SPSS in order to determine the sample size for your project.
- IMPORTANT: If your access to SPSS is interrupted due to COVID-19, Click here to access a document with analyses options you can use in your report.
- Click here to read about the sampling and methods used by Pew (Links to an external site.)
- Click here to review how to download and install SPSS
An independent-samples hypothesis test helps us determine if two groups (for example, cats and dogs) substantively differ with respect to a social value as measured by an interval-ratio variable (for example, feelings about lasagna measured on a scale from 1 to 10). For this project, you will be asked to prepare a report that tells us how two groups (for example, the US and Spain) differ with respect to one social value variable related to a UN SDG of your choice. Stated differently, you’ll be comparing local and global data and relating it back to the Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the United Nations.
- Click here to download the Project 3 Guidebook
- This document contains the instructions, rubric, example, data information, and SPSS instructions needed for the project.
- Click here to download the NEW Project 3 data file: Project 3 STA2122 Class Data 2020.sav
- This is NEW DATA is taken from the Pew research center’s Global Attitudes Survey.
- You will need to open this NEW DATA file in SPSS in order to determine the sample size for your project.
- IMPORTANT: If your access to SPSS is interrupted due to COVID-19, Click here to access a document with analyses options you can use in your report.
- Click here to read about the sampling and methods used by Pew (Links to an external site.)
- Click here to review how to download and install SPSS