Course: Legal Reg, Compliance, Invest


Due Date – 2 days

Week 3 – PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

You got hired as an IT security manager at the Sunshine Hotel and you have been asked by the general manager to conduct a presentation about data privacy to the executive committee. Create 5-7 PowerPoint slides and make sure to include in your slides the following:

· What is privacy?

· Describe briefly 2 threats to personal data privacy in the information age.

· Describe briefly 2 privacy issues in the workplace.

· Describe briefly one federal law related to privacy.

· What are the general principles for privacy protection in information systems?

Books and Resources 

Required Text(s): Grama,   Joanna Lyn. Legal Issues in Information Security, 2nd ed. Burlington, MA:   Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-284-05474-3.

“APA Format”


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