Discussion – Arthritis: Prevention and Treatment Options

Arthritis is increasingly prevalent among the United States population. Although there are several types of arthritis, the most common (by far) is osteoarthritis. According to the CDC, more than 30 million Americans are diagnosed with osteoarthritis (2018). It’s likely that you or someone you know is struggling with the pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis right now.

In your discussion post this module, provide at least one prevention technique and one treatment option for osteoarthritis. Describe each item in detail, providing information about how the therapies you chose affect the physiology of the arthritic joints.

In your reply post, provide research about the effectiveness of the preventative therapies and treatment options your classmate(s) posted. You are encouraged to share personal experience (if you have any), but remember that you should always back up your personal thoughts with a reliable, scientific reference.

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