Unethical Study: UCLA Schizophrenia Experiment

We have navigated through much research to date. As you know, ethical considerations are vital during this process. After reading about Milgram’s compliance experiment and many of the early studies in social psychology, it becomes clear that participants in social psychology have suffered harm. There are safeguards in place today within the American Psychological Association’s Code of Ethics (2016) with regard to research. Institutional Review Boards have also been put in place to protect both human and animal research participants.

Imagine you sits on an Institutional Review Board (IRB) and someone like Phillip Zombardo or Stanley Milgram provides you with a research proposal to conduct the same experiment(s).

Task: Do some research and chose an unethical study that has been conducted thus far. A quick Internet search will reveal other ideas. Your job is to approve the study, approve with modifications, or reject the study completely. Using the APA Code of Ethics, justify your group’s determination. The code of ethics can be found at  http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx

Create a PowerPoint presentation, of 4 slides (slide count does not include the title and reference slide), in which you present their decision. Your PowerPoint should include:

1. Using the APA Code of Ethics, identify at least five specific ethic codes that were violated with this study. Be sure to explain why there was a code violation.

Use two to three scholarly resources for support. Your textbook is a viable source. Resources should be listed on the last slide.

Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include 75- 100 words per slide

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