Neoprene (C4H5Cl) is burned in air at constant pressure with the reactants and products at 25 C. The mass yields of some species are found by measurement in terms of g/gF. These product yields are CO at 0.1, soot (taken as pure carbon, C) at 0.1 and gaseous unburned hydrocarbons (represented as benzene, C6H6) at 0.03. The remaining products are water as a gas, carbon dioxide and gaseous hydrogen chloride (HCl). 44 THERMOCHEMISTRY (a) Write the chemical equation with molar stoichiometric coefficients, taking air as 1 mole of O2 þ 3:77 moles of N2 (i.e. 4.77 moles of air). (b) Calculate the heat of formation of the neoprene (in kJ/mole) if it is known that the heat of combustion for reaction (a) is 11 kJ/g neoprene. (c) If the reaction were complete to only stable gaseous products, namely water vapor, carbon dioxide and chlorine (Cl2), compute the heat of combustion in kJ/g. (d) For both reactions (a) and (c), compute the energy release per unit mass of oxygen consumed, i.e. [H(reactants)H(products)]/mass of oxygen. Atomic weights: C,12; H,1; O,16; N,14; Cl,35.5

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