

The Managing the Corporate Brand assessment brief comprises two elements. Element one requires you to investigate the product and corporate brand values of the Volkswagen Group, while element two involves you investigating the quality of the current reputation of an organisation of your choice. Both element briefs are explained in more detail in the following sections.


Element 1


Key Details



You have been requested by the CEO of the Volkswagen Group to prepare a report in which you investigate the product brand values of the Volkswagen Group.   


Your report should be submitted in report format – refer to the guidance given in this document and lectures/tutorials

Word Count

1500 words


Submission by 16/4/15


40% of module mark


Further Details


In the role of a marketing consultant you have been requested by the CEO of Volkswagen Group to prepare a report in which you should investigate the product brand values of the Volkswagen Group. In particular you should:-


  • Critically evaluate and apply relevant academic models, theories and frameworks to understand the VW Group product brand values
  • Identify the key differences between product and corporate brand values
  • Briefly recommend models, theories and frameworks the VW Group could use to build and manage their corporate brand



Element 1 should be based on the VW Group (see http://www.volkswagenag.com/content/vwcorp/content/en/homepage.html for information about the Group).

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