The purpose of this assignment is to apply child development to conduct a systemic assessment of child and family relationships. Use the characters and situations in the film Inside Out with Riley being the main character, to talk openly about developmental factors, individual and family development and transitions across the life span, family relationships, and your systemic assessment, without violating confidentiality or other ethical considerations. The assignment is to conduct a systemic assessment provide professional analysis and description of the family’s strengths and challenges, using the family depicted in the film, Inside Out. The focus of the paper should be on the family and their experiences as depicted in the film as part of the assessment, analysis, and discussion. The film depicts a family system with the main character in a different developmental stage and a family in different stages of the family life cycle.

• The rationale for choosing this film. (Film: Inside Out, main character Riley)

• The developmental issues involved and the factors affecting the development of the child and the family. Include the developmental domains in your discussion for the individual as well as for the family life cycle. How has this family managed the transitions that happen across the life span? Describe developmental issues in each domain (physical, cognitive, social, and emotional) and the stage of the family life cycle identified in work with a client.

• Any elaboration you added on the family circumstances or background, including legal and ethical requirements for working with minors. Demonstrate an awareness of how ethical and legal requirements impact working with this family.

• Your assessment of how the developmental issues and other factors (such as risk factors and what you have learned about interpersonal neurobiology) have affected, or could affect, the child. Describe the impact of risk factors on the social and emotional well-being and physical development of a client.

• Apply systemic assessment tools that are multicultural and developmentally appropriate. Write an assessment in a professional manner and in a way that communicates with parents and caregivers.

• Your reflections on the process as the counselor involved, along with any challenges you would expect to face with this parti ‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍ cular family.

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