Specifications of the Report
Length: 2,000 words, not including title page, abstract, notes, and references.

  • Format and layout: Typewritten using a 12-point Times New Roman font and 1” margins throughout. Include a cover sheet giving the title of the paper, the authors, the name of the course, and the date submitted, as well as a 150-word abstract summarizing the contents of the project. All pages except the cover page should be numbered consecutively with numbers appearing at the bottom of each page.
  • Citations and references: All sources should be cited parenthetically in the text and included in a reference list at the end of the paper according to American Sociological Association style guidelines provided by the instructor. In APA citation style, all sources cited parenthetically in the text must appear in the reference list and all sources appearing in the reference list must be cited parenthetically at least once in the text. Guidelines for using APA citation style are posted to the “assignments” page of the OLS.

SBM4101 Assignment Details:


In this exercise, you are to imagine that you work as an IT consultant for an Australian company of your choice. The client needs your help in analysing the best information system needs for the business solutions and increasing revenue. The report should include the following:

  • Examine the needs of information systems within a company of your choice. You need to select a product that is information system focused. You need to choose a company that has a strong profile of employing information systems to support business strategy. It is essential that information systems used in this company is paving the way for more competitive advantage. Your report should focus on how information systems provide solutions and contributions to company success.
  • You also need to identify two alternative information systems solutions that are suitable to the company needs. Discuss the viability of each of the alternative solutions. You also need to provide pros and cons and a cost-benefit analysis for each of the two alternatives.
  • Your analysis should discuss the choice of in house development and outsourcing components and which one is best for the company.
  • Your analysis should also discuss the benefits of data analysis to the company revenue/success.


SBM4101 Assignment guidelines

The following is a guideline to the project

Titles Contents
Company Profile
  • Background and history
  • Products or services it is offering
  • Overall organisational business strategy
Case needs analysis • A needs analysis of the case in relation to information system needs.
Information Technology IT strategy:
• IT strategy and map to organization business


Use of information systems:

  • information systems use to support its business processes and competitive strategies.
  • importance of information systems to the company success and its impact on the company without it
  • Contribute to sales revenue

Use of information systems in company departments:

• Information systems and technologies that the

company use in its departments i.e. marketing, finance, human resources, manufacturing.


viability and applicability of each of information system alternatives:

Alternative viability 1 Alternative viability 2

  • Pros and Cons for each of the two alternative information systems for the company. Identify cost- benefit analysis.
  • Recommendations to implement the best information systems.


Systems and technologies in use:

  • distinction between in house development and outsourced components.
  • company use of in house development or outsourcing IS and why.
Data Analysis
  • What is data analysis
  • Benefits of analysing data for the company
  • Use of data analysis to increase company

revenues from existing customers.

  • Use of data analysis for future plans of

products/services and how information systems can play its part here.

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