Selecta topicfromthe followinglistonwhich you would liketo conductanin-depth investigation:
Informationsystemsinfrastructure:evolutionand trends
Strategicimportanceof cloud computingin businessorganizations
Bigdata and itsbusinessimpacts
Managerial issuesof a networked organization
Emergingenterprise networkapplications
Mobilecomputingand itsbusinessimplications
Note:Theabove topicsare also thebasisof thediscussion questions. Youmayuse upto three resourcesfound by yourself or yourpeersaspeersasresourcesfor the paper.
Research paper basics:
8-10 pagesinlength
Minimumsix (6)sources – at leasttwo (2)frompeer reviewed journals
Include anabstract, introduction, andconclusion
See rubricfor more detailed grading criteria
Some good questions to ask yourselfbefore turninginyourresearch paper:
Isthepaper of optimal length?
Isthepaper well organized?
Isthepaper clear and concise?
Isthetitle appropriate?
Doestheabstractsummarize well?
Are individualideasassimilated well?
Are wording, punctuation, etc. correct?
Isthepaper wellmotivated?
Isinteresting problem/issueaddressed?
Isknowledge of the areademonstrated?
Have all keyreferencebeencited?
Are conclusionsvalidandappropriate?