George is a 43-year-old male who was being admitted to the Psychiatric Unit for exacerbation of schizophrenic symptoms. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 21. He has been well controlled on various medications over the years, however, recently he has been admitted 4 different times due to exacerbation of symptoms.
You assess George and find him to appear unkept with body odor. He is restless and you note he has strange tongue movements. It is 75 degrees outside yet he is dressed in a sweater and corduroy pants. His wife Sheila is with him.
She reports that with his last admission about six months ago, he was started on Abilify 30mg each day. He began experiencing side effects so he has been noncompliant in taking it each day. She also notes that she doesn’t like the Abilify either.
What classification is Abilify? What are adverse effects of this medication?
In considering George’s situation, what specific questions will you ask to obtain more information?
What are extrapyramidal effects? How are they managed?
What is tardive dyskinesia? How is it managed?
How will you proceed with the assessment? What assessments are necessary?
Obviously, side effects contribute to noncompliance. Really consider George’s situation, his age, etc.-what may be contributing factors that lead to his noncompliance?
What patient education will be important and how will you carry out a teaching plan for George?

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