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Dr. Carlos submitted a proposal to conduct an alcohol tolerance study with mice. He will have to inject mice with alcohol and then test them. Dr. Carlos has decided to euthanize the mice at the end of the study. He also wishes someone to volunteer the use of their pet for this research in return for some monetary compensation. Discuss:

    • What ethical and safety issues might arise when conducting such a study? What do you think the institutional review board at Dr. Carlos’ university will be most concerned about? Explain at least three areas of concern and why the reviewers might be concerned about the stated issues.


    • It is common for participants to be compensated for their participation in research. Do you think this influences their behaviors or responses? Use sources and investigate whether there is evidence regarding the influence of compensation on participants’ participation. Find two articles and submit summaries of each of them.


    • Participants should be told they have a right to stop their participation in a study at any point in the study. Do you agree or disagree on whether this should be done or not? Why? Do you think they should still be able to receive the promised monetary compensation if they leave early?


  • Research two examples of historical situations in which participants were not told that they had the right to stop their participation at any point. Use at least three references for each.

Must be cited APA. Must be 2 pages.

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