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1.Describe the first two sound objects used at the very start of the piece. [10]


The first two sounds object used at the start of the piece sounds like a loud distorted radio signal being played in the piece at that point in time. The second sound reminds me of a lathe machine being operational.


  1. Which of these two sounds proves to be most prominent throughout the whole piece? [5]


The sound that proves to be most prominent throughout the whole piece in my opinion is the first sound because the first sound stands out on its own and it also well known to

people as a different sound that is linked to their memory as in my case a radio signal.


  1. What sound do we hear starting at 42”? [5]


The sound that we hear at 0.42 in the piece is the sound of a fazing frequency being played in my opinion.


4.What happens at 1’19’’? [5]


At 1.19 in the piece you can hear the sound of the fazing frequency being phased out and is being dragged out as an echo.


  1. Describe the sound object we first hear at 2’19”. Two variants of this sound are heard shortly afterwards; how do they differ from the original? [10]


The sound objects that we first hear at 2.19 sounds like a moto cycle engine being started up. The two variants sounds are of two metal objects being hit against each other. Also the second sound reminds me of a xylophone being played.


The sound differs from the original because in my opinion the sound is not being played from an actual musical instrument. I believe that the sound is being created from an object then recorded.


  1. How many different sound types are present in the musical texture from 2’44” to 2’55”? Describe these sound types in words as best you can. [15]


To my knowledge there are three different sound type in the musical from 2.44 to 2.55.

The first sound at 2.45 sound like a drum kit cymbal being played in the background of the other sounds.


The second sound reminds me of a analog tape delay being played on the echo setting. The third sound is of a bell being rang at various point in time to give of an effect through the composition.


  1. What sound do we hear at 3’36”? Is it used earlier in the piece? [10]


The sound that we hear at 3.36 sounds like someone dragging a rake on a concrete floor and the sound of someone screaming or it could be the sound of an old machine being turned on, I also think that this sound was used at the beginning of the composition



  1. Describe the large-scale musical gesture that we hear between 3’44” and 4’03”. Does this bear any relation to sound objects heard earlier in the piece? [15]


The large scale gesture that we hear between 3.44 and 4.03 is the sound of a violin bow being moving fast across the strings in order to create the sounds that we hear at that paticular point. I believe that the sound that I heard at 3.44-4.03 bears relations to a sound that I heard at 1.33 and ends at 1.35


  1. What are the very last sounds in the piece? [5]


The very last sounds in the piece begins at 4.00 and it ends at 4.06.the sound reminds me of a saxophone being played, also the sound of a very old door being closed very slowly.


  1. Drawing on your answers, tell me how successful you believe the piece is, addressing such issues as economy of material, structural coherence, emotional impact (250 words max). [30]


In my opinion I believe that the piece Étude aux sons animés was not successful because of the sounds that Pierre Schaeffer classed as music. I believe that not a lot of people was drawn towards Schaeffer music due to lack of understanding Schaffer’s views on music and on what should and should not be classed as music.


I am not sure if this paticular piece addressed issues such as economy and others because I personally do not fully understand the piece but as for emotional impact I believe that a lot of people back then did not understand Pierre Schaeffer and his music was confusing to most people.


In my opinion the emotional impact that Schaffer made was not a good impact to those who did not understand his views but to those that understood I believe that his music made them think more and also more aware of their surroundings and the things that they hear.


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