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  1. Examine a key concept or notion or moral that surfaces in the texts.  Comment upon how the topic is treated.  Emerson provides a good philosophical primer in the basic tenets of American romanticism (including its opposition of Reason and Understanding, Freedom and Nature, Morality and Theory, etc.)  Poe may be read as in a way responding to Emerson, or at the very least, articulating in his own prose, words and ideas that Emerson significantly expounds in Nature.  If Emerson is a turn off for you, focus instead on how the romantic topics (of Freedom, Truth, and Beauty, for instance) are addressed by Poe.
  2. How does American Romanticism give expression to an idea of what it means to be an American?
  3. Paper should follow traditional essay format: introduction, 4-6 body paragraphs by way of argumentation, and a conclusion. Introduction should state thesis (position), along with the 4-6 major points that will be made in the response.
  4. The next 4-6 paragraphs should elaborate the major points introduced. The first sentence of each body paragraph should be a topic sentence or a mini-thesis statement about the paragraph to follow.
  5. Each paragraph should advance one major idea that supports and develops on the main claim (thesis).
  6. The conclusion should tie the different threads of the argument into a conclusive whole.
    Offer close readings of the chosen text.
  7. Quote representative material from the selection that helps evidence the argument and then think about how these details form a larger picture.
    Use MLA style format in citing the sources and in Works Cited. 3 secondary sources required that analyze and discuss the texts and topics similar to the one chosen. Primarily, instructor is looking for a coherent and persuasive argument.
  8. Use the secondary sources as supplemental support in developing the argument.
  9. Paper should be double-spaced and12 pt. Times New Roman font, with 1 inch margins.

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For this assignment, you are required to create project scheduling documents and associated reports, and manage your work on Blackboard in your own group area. Full details can be found on Blackboard in the Assignments section. Marks will be awarded for the quality of the preparatory work recorded on Blackboard. Since this is timestamped, the dates and times recorded on Blackboard will be used to assess when and by whom each piece of work was created. If the work is not recorded on Blackboard, the assumption is that it does not exist. This is in line with normal project management practice where documenting your planning, task management and work tracking is essential to accurate project scheduling and control. Similarly, each group must be selfmanaging. Groups should create and all sign a group contract before beginning any work on the assignment. The group contract should be uploaded to your group Blackboard site, and should include details about the expected standards of work, and what the consequences are for not adhering to these standards. This should also include expected levels of contact between group members each week, and what happens if these agreed levels of contact are not adhered to. Your instructor/lecturer will generally not get involved in any group disputes. As project managers, you are expected to manage conflict and difficulties in line with your group agreement.

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