Create a communication strategy for the following health policy issue:
Reduce the use of antibiotics in the population in a given northern European country by 30 percent by the end of 2020 to combat a growing problem with Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).
Such a strategy must:
• Include theoretical underpinnings
• Place the issue in context
• Build on research evidence and learning from previous campaigns
• Show creativity in messaging
• Consider the audience
• Outline the approach and associated resources (although not detailed costings).
** Minimum 20 different sources for a 3,000 word essay (this will include articles, books, web pages etc).
** Make sure to use Pub Med for at least some of the references (
Dr Sven Windhal, Using Communication Theory: An Introduction to Planned Communication (2006 2nd edition)
Darzi A., Healthcare for London: A Framework for Action, NHS London 2007
L Suzanne Suggs, Chris McIntyre, Will Warburton, Sarah Henderson, Peter Howitt, Communicating Health Messages: A Framework To Increase The Effectiveness of Health Communication Globally, WISH 2015 Report
** Please include a 200 word summary or abstract of your essay at the beginning.?
** The actual essay should begin with a clear introduction and end with a definite conclusion.
** Diagrams, graphs and tables may be included if they are referred to in the text with a narrative explaining what they are and present evidence to bolster your argument.
** Sub-headings may be used to help structure the essay.
**It is useful to define and explain any key terms towards the beginning of the essay.
** Arguments should be supported by evidence, with the source of the evidence appropriately referenced (see below). You should also consider alternative interpretations to your main argument.
** The word limit is 3,000 words (excluding cover page contents, 200 word abstract, references and any additional bibliography). Essays over the word limit will be penalised one mark for each 1% over the limit. The Appendix is NOT part of the word count
** The essay should be presented in Arial font, size 11 and with double line spacing.?Margins should be set at one inch/2.54 cms all around. Please include page numbers. Please put your CID number as a header in the top right corner throughout your manuscript.
** Direct quotations should be indicated by inverted commas (‘ and ’), with square brackets used if additional words are inserted to ensure a quotation makes sense. Quotations should be within the text, unless they are longer than two lines, in which case they should be indented. All quotations should be referenced with a page number included.
** New paragraphs should be preceded by a blank line; there is no need to indent new paragraphs.
** Vancouver References should be used consistently. Please do not mix different referencing styles.
** Information or quotations from a source should have an appropriate reference. This should take the form of sequential end notes using Arabic numerals (you can use your Word Processing programmes’ automated end note feature).