Investigating current research on dyslexia (maximum 3000 words)
The assignment should be no more than 3000 words long. It accounts for 30% of your overall grade for this Unit.
The objectives of this assignment are to:
- investigate and demonstrate critical understanding of theoretical perspectives and research on specific learning difficulties/dyslexia;
- critically appraise this research and its relevance for teaching and learning.
This assignment is based on a study of the following sections of the Unit Guide and its associated readings: Part 4.
To meet these objectives you must:
- Discuss, compare and evaluate views of dyslexia and specific learning difficulties related to important research studies, both past and recent.
- Relate your discussion to practice in your educational institution, and elsewhere if relevant.
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes against which Assignment 2 will be assessed are that you can:
- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to research into issues associated with literacy difficulties, including dyslexia, or advanced scholarship in this area;
- Evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the area of literacy difficulties and dyslexia.
Assessment criteria
The assessment criteria are that you have demonstrated your ability to:
- Investigate, and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of, current theories of specific learning difficulties/dyslexia together with the research techniques that were used in the various studies.
- Critically appraise the research and its relevance for teaching and learning