Q1) If A = 1001 and B = 1100 (Both in binary) find A+B and A–B
( by 2’s complement method)
Q2) Convert
(a) Decimal 200.154 to binary octal and hexadecimal systems.
(b) Hexadecimal FF to octal.
Q3) Express the Boolean function F = xy + x’z in a product of maxterm form.
Q5) Given the following Boolean function:
F = A’C + A’B + A.B’C + BC
(a) Express it in sum of minterms.
(b) Find the minimal sum of products expression.
Q4) Simplify the following Boolean function F together with the don’t care
conditions d; then express the simplified function in sum of minterms.
f(x, y, z) = S (0, 1, 2, 4, 5)
d(x, y, z) = S (3, 6, 7)
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