. Outline the advantages of stratified random sampling.
2. i. Define the power of a test. ii. In what ways can a test be made more powerful.
3. Distinguish between parametric and non- parametric statistics.
4. i. What do you understand by a sampling distribution?
ii. Distinguish between acceptance and rejection regions in statistical testing.
5. To what type of data is logarithmic transformation applied?
6. Compare and contrast the normal and t – distributions.
7. i. Define the terms degree of freedom.
ii. Calculate the df for a 5×6 contingency table.
8. Test whether a student with an IQ of 75 comes from a group of students with an IQ of 95 and a standard deviation of 6.
9. What do you understand by robust estimator. Give two examples.
10. Explain the properties of hypothesis used in statistical testing.





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