1. a) Describe any two important parts of human sexuality. (4mks)
b) According to Reiss Sociological theory of sexuality, sexuality is linked to the structures of any society in three areas. Discuss.(21mks)

2. Giving relevant examples, discuss Masters and Johnson”s four stages of sexual response. (15mks)

3. a) Distinguish between intent and impact in sexual communication.(3mks)
b) As a psychologist discuss how you would apply any four skills of effective communication to sexual relationships. (12mks)

4. With the aid of relevant examples, discuss any three factors that contribute to gender difference in sexuality. (15mks)

5) Discuss how you would use social skills techniques to help paraphillacs deal with their problem. (15mks)

6. a) Explain the significance of culture in human sexuality. (5mks)
b) Freud described the human personality as being divided into three major parts. Discuss each part and relate it to sexuality.(10mks)

7. a) What are hormones? (3mks)
b) Discuss the functions of the following hormones;
I) Testosterone
ii) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
iii) Estrogen and progesterone. (12mks)







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