Provide critical analysis of gun control in California and policy intended to address it. Please use the latest terrorist attacks and the crimes stats in California.
Develop the topic into a fairly narrowly focused “mini” research paper. The idea is to choose a topic that is sufficiently narrow and focused so that it is manageable in a 12-13 page paper plus references and cover page. Regardless of the topic you choose, your paper must present some kind of analysis supported by published research.

Analysis involves asking an important question. What, for example, are the most important features of a political conflict that generates notice of a relevant issue? Or, which features of a political issue or reform merits change and is significant in California Politics today?

Your annotated references should identify a minimum of five separate sources of information The more recent the sources – the better. Articles are more useful than books. Conduct a decent literature search in ProQuest. Be cautious when using only WWW sources. They are not all equally credible.

Avoid popular magazines – Time, Newsweek, Psychology Today, Parents Magazine, etc. Similarly, avoid electronic sources for which the organizational affiliation is unknown. Critically review and cautiously use any material from an organization or agency that has a specific agenda, e.g., A.C.L.U., government agency, etc. Seek help from one of the Reference librarians in the Pearson Library

Generally papers should be presented as policy briefs taking the following format:

1. Statement of the issue and its significance
2. Context or Background of the Issue
3. Pros and Cons of the issue (including what groups support each side)
4. Your views on the feasibility and desirability of one or more options (I am against Guns and with the bureaucracy people).
Please Don’t forget that I am an international student so no fancy words.
Be aware that plagiarism will fail me.

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