(a) Discuss the ‘multiple factor approach’ to the causation of crime as propounded by
sociologists in a bid to explain how crime arises (20 marks)
(b) There are strong believes or pillars of the classical, and the positive schools of
criminology. Discuss any five of these pillars. (10 marks)
Discuss the propositions and contributions of any four think-tanks of the positivist school
criminology. (20 marks)
(a) “It is, however, true that the real cause for rise in crime rate with economic prosperity is
perhaps the capacity of people to spend more on securing escape from arrest and
detection.” Dr. V.N. Paranjape, Criminology and Penology, 1994, 62. In discussing this
statement, what are your views about the relationship between economic conditions and
crime? (12 marks)
(b) What is a crime? Discuss any two tests which may map conduct under crime. (3 marks)
(c) Discuss organized crime as differentiated from professional collar crime (5 marks)


White collar crime, in the facet of corruption has plagued the Kenyan Economy for quite a long
time. It would be better to bring out the causes and give possible suggestions addressing on how
to correct the situation. Discuss causes and remedies of these crimes in Kenya. (20 marks)


(a) Discuss any four common forms of punishments meted by courts and the possible effect of
each on the society. (8 marks)
(b) Why, in your opinion are sexual crimes are on the rise in our Kenyan society, as has been
noticed in the recent past (the post-election violence records of this crime come into play).
Give a detailed exegesis of each explanation. (8 marks)
(c) Is there an explanation regarding drug addiction in primary and secondary schools and
universities in Kenya? (4 marks)






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