a. Explain the term Implementation Hiding as a concept in object oriented paradigm. (1 Mark) b. Describe how object orientation facilitates the use of implementation hiding. (3 Marks) c. State the benefits of Implementation Hiding. (2 Marks) d. Differentiate between inheritance and polymorphism as some of the core elements of object oriented paradigm. (2 Marks) e. Describe how polymorphism and inheritance can be combined to enhance the maintainability of a software system. (2 Marks)
f. Justify how the following OOP concepts have been implemented in the following program: (10 Marks) i. Encapsulation ii. Inheritance iii. Overloading iv. Overriding v. Abstraction
class ape{ public:
void caculateAge(int dob, int dtd); void showData ( ) ; void calculateAge (int dob) ; void eat ( ) ; void walk ( ) {cout << “walks around\n”}
} ;
class humanBing : public ape{ private : int p, q; public : void talk ( ) ; void fiveCsense ( ) ; void walk ( ) {cout << “walks upright on two\n”} }; class monkey : public ape{ public: double hasTail ( double tailSize) ; }; class gorilla : public ape { public void hasNoTail ( ) { cout << “Has no tail\n”} } ;






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