Christmas Blunderland
The following is from an article in the Daily Telegraph dated 12th
December 2014
This Christmas tourist attraction was forced to close less than a day after
opening following a barrage of complaints from disgruntled parents.
Yorkshire’s Magical Winterland in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, only opened its
doors on Wednesday, but was forced to pack up just 24 hours later due to its
“appalling” quality.
Despite promising a winter walk, a Frozen singalong and a chance to feed
Santa’s reindeer, excited families were faced with a desolate scene of
disappointment after paying £20 per ticket.
Mother-of-one Laura Bamforth, who is also 30-weeks pregnant, from Pontefract,
West Yorkshire, said: “We spent a total of 20 minutes in the building and we
were totally appalled with the entire event.
“The event itself was nothing more than a fairground. The rides was overpriced
and the so-called Christmas market was a total of four stalls.
“When leaving the event feeling very let down we told the staff on reception who
also was very rude and never tried to apologise.
“I would like a refund for all the money I have spent because the treatment is
The Yorkshire Magical Winterland, set up at the Great Yorkshire Showground,
advertised the event as having “fantastic features” and offered visitors the
chance to “focus on losing yourself in our Magical Winterland”.
But the grim reality of the Christmas-themed event was that of rubbish-strewn
hallways, poorly-constructed exhibitions and sombre-looking reindeer
surrounded by a sprinkling of straw.
Disappointed mother-of-two Leanne Potter said it would take a “miracle” to
make the experience worthwhile.
She said: “It was truly awful. The event was clearly just planned to make as
much money as possible. They weren’t bothered about the quality of the event.”
The attraction responded to visitor’s complaints by closing down the event, just
hours after opening, without giving any warning to people who had pre-booked
Kat Manson, from Skipton, West Yorkshire, who booked to take her niece Evie
to the event, said: “We’ve had a family ticket booked for a long time for this
special event.
“The journey there was full of excitement and wonder, Evie was going meet
“We checked the website this morning to see what we were going to be doing but
there was no mention of any closure……..

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