Gay & Lesbian Parents

This issue of same sex parenting has received attention with the increased acceptance of gay and lesbian partnerships.  However, there has still been debate in the community on whether children ‘need’ both a ‘mother’ and a ‘father’ to make them happy and secure and psychologically healthy.  Again, there is a question of what is in a child’s best interests.

Find the latest literature in the area, and develop a case either for or against same sex parenting.  As a starting point you may need to consider;

  • What does the literature indicate about gay and lesbian parents?
  • Is there any evidence to suggest that same sex parents do or do not make good parents?
  • Does the literature suggest any positive or detrimental outcomes for children?
  • What is the legislation in the area?

This is not an opinion piece and your argument must be based on psychological literature and not on philosophical or religious perspectives.  Your answer must be guided by the research and literature in the area.

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