24220  International Marketing – Exporting Event Cinemas to South Africa


  1. Executive Summary


  1. Preliminary Analysis – Overseas Market

                2.1 Target country / market area definition and key criteria

2.2 Definition of product / service opportunity (define market need, size, scope)

2.3 Evaluation of key environment influences:

2.3.1 Key political issues

2.3.2 Key economic factors affecting the market

2.3.4 Legal issues and structures of the market

2.3.5 Cultural issues and factors that are likely to impact on the customer offer

2.3.6 Social issues consideration and analysis

2.3.7 Technological issues and structures impacting upon the market

2.3.8 Any other factors that you consider to be of significance ?

2.4 Business Model to be used for Entry into the Target Country

2.4.1 Main options (define and briefly analyze)

2.4.2 Preferred option – explain why

  1. Situation Analysis

3.1Market segment structure / evaluation / analysis

3.1.1 Segment the market (you are exporting to)

3.1.2 Segment Size of each(approx’)

3.1.3Segment Buyer Criteria / Hierarchy of each (assessed or researched)

3.1.4Key Segment Trends / forecasts

3.1.5Identify Key Competitors and assessment of how they compete

3.1.6 Evaluate each segment“ indicative profitability” (high, medium, low)

3.1.7 Identify (and so validate) the “target market segment(s)” for the plan

3.2Firm Capabilities, Experience and Expertise“Gap” Analysis

                3.2.1 Define and quantify currentfirm capabilities, experience and expertise

3.2.2 Define required capabilities, experience and expertise to make the project        successful

3.2.3 Evaluate any ‘gaps’ and discuss how they should / could be resolved / when

  1. SWOT Analysis

                4.1 Weighted SWOT (list names, titles of executives interviewed)

                4.2 Implications of analysis

  1. Competitive Advantage / Strategy Evaluation

5.1 Positioning analysis (use perceptual maps) – and recommendation. The preferred option       is now incorporated into 7.6)

5.2What competitive capabilities / characteristics will the firm need to be successful ?

5.3How will it create / build these in the internationalmarket ? Analyze and discuss

5.4 What Strategy will the firm enact in its target market segments (attack / defend) ?

5.5Risk Management Analysis (use a value chain to identify key issues, risk profiles and                                 potential impacts)

  1. Business Objectives

                6.1 Objectives (specific ‘outcomes’ required over the period of the plan

     (headings to use are ‘Finance’, ‘Marketing’ , ‘Operations’, ‘HR’ and any others ..)       

  1. Marketing Plan

7.1 Restate the target market segment(s) for this plan(from 3.1.7)

(NOTE: does the plan cover allofthese or only some or just one ?)

7.2 Final Product specifications (define and explainany product adaptation factors required         for the export market)

7.3 Pricing Structures and Strategy Analysis (use value chain to build cost structure and then              discuss pricing methods, recommendations, pricing fluctuations and strategy)

7.4 Restate distribution model chosen (2.4.2)and discuss key logistic issues and                 management.

7.5 Promotion strategy and plan. What big ideas / communication concepts ?

7.6 Final positioning plan (from 5.1). Discuss any issues of brand and management.

  1. Financial Evaluation of 3 Year Plan P/L (Excel Spreadsheet)

8.1 Create an outline 3 year P/L (major headings only).                                                                                         Revenue, major fixed and major variable costs only. Create table in $000’s

8.2 Specify the assumptions made in creating this P/L.

8.2 Explain how you calculated 1st year sales.

8.3 Explain the basis of and the reasons for your calculations to change the revenue in Y1 to        Y2 and then to Y3.

8.4 Explain the basis of and the reasons for your calculation to change any of the expense            figures from Y1 to Y2and then toY3

8.5 Discuss the resultant P/L

  1. Appendix

9.1 Project Gantt chart (key factors only)

9.2 List of key contacts used in developing the report (telephone / email)

9.3 Market research brief (key points only)

9.4 Details / examples of any research surveys conducted (copy of questionnaire / sample responses)

9.5 Any other relevant support information


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