Review/essay on large scale energy efficiencies or other resource savings.

Prepare a review/essay of length 1400 – 1800 words (excluding abstract and references) in which you investigate, critically analyse, and provide clear understanding and insight into a way of either achieving large-scale energy efficiencies or large-scale savings of other resources such as water. Examples include alternative methods of electricity generation, substitution of fossil fuels, ways of reducing electrical or other energy use in industry, and changes in industrial processes. Illustrate your review with a case study. Include a final paragraph that summarises your findings and/or recommendations.

Your essay must include evidence of research into the topic.
Make sure that you use high quality reference material to provide sound evidence in support of the arguments put forward in your essay. In particular, check for the existence of relevant national or international standards. Be very circumspect about using material gained from the internet.
Quotations must be used correctly, and references must be cited within the essay and listed in full detail at the end of the essay
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