Respond to one of the following:

Option 1: Differentiate between organic and inorganic analysis.  Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative measurement

Option 2: Gas chromatography is one of the basic analysis procedures for the crime lab.  Describe this process and the theory upon which it is based.

Option 3: Describe the Mass Spectrometry process.

Option 4: Describe the X-ray diffraction process.

Option 5: Our text describes five types of microscopes commonly used in forensic analysis.  List them and briefly describe the function of each.

Option 6: Below is a series of twenty-three questions about drugs or drug use. For your original posting, answer one of these questions that has not been answered by anyone else as yet by identifying which question you are answering by number.  There should be enough questions that each of you can answer a separate one.

Following are descriptions of behavior that are characteristic among users of certain classes of drugs. For each description, indicate the class of drug (narcotics, stimulants, and so forth) for which the behavior is most characteristic.

1. slurred speech, slow reaction time, impaired judgment, reduced coordination
2. intense emotional responses, anxiety, altered sensory perceptions
3. alertness, feelings of strength and confidence, rapid speech and movement, decreased appetite
4. drowsiness, intense feelings of well-being, relief from pain

Following are descriptions of behavior that are characteristic among users of certain classes of drugs. Name at least one drug that produces the described effects.

5. slurred speech, slow reaction time, impaired judgment, reduced coordination
6. intense emotional responses, anxiety, altered sensory perceptions
7. alertness, feelings of strength and confidence, rapid speech and movement, decreased appetite
8. drowsiness, intense feelings of well-being, relief from pain

Following are descriptions of hypothetical drugs. According to the Controlled Substances Act, under which drug schedule would each substance be classified?

9. This drug has a high potential for psychological dependence, it currently has accepted medical uses in the United States, and the distributor is not required to report to the U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
10. This drug has medical use in the United States, is not limited by manufacturing quotas, and may be exported without a permit.
11. This drug must be stored in a vault or safe, requires separate records keeping, and may be distributed with a prescription.
12. This drug may not be imported or exported without a permit, is subject to manufacturing quotas, and currently has no medical use in the United States.

The figure on page 143 shows a chromatogram of a known mixture of barbiturates. Based on the figure, answer one of the following questions.

13, Which barbiturate detected by the chromatogram had the longest retention time?
14. Which barbiturate had the shortest retention time?
15. What is the approximate retention time of amobarbital?

Do you like having multiple choices from which to select a response, or do you prefer everyone answering the same question? GB

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