A suitable background that smoothly leads to the literature review and the rest of the paper as identified below.




  • What is Performance Management and what is Performance Management Systems (PMS), including types and dimensions etc. Differentiate perfomance management systems from performance management process, performance appraisal and performance measurement. The idea here is not to introduce several variables here at the same time: PM, PMS, PM Process, PA and Performance Measurement. The main idea is to link these and provide the relationships among the discourses!


  • Discuss the importance of PMS and its contribution to organisational performance and effectiveness? Why organisations invest resources in Performance Management Systems and what can organisations expect in return?


  • What is the concept of influencing factors? Provide rationale for examining what factors can influence performance management systems


  • Examine Broad categorisations of factors that could possibly have an influence on PMS: Environmental, contextual, organizational and technological factors. Another set of categories could be internal and external. Specific factors within each of the broad categories can be identified and discussed. Please avoid dealing with the same set of factors such that discussing them under one category makes it a duplication to discuss them again under the second category!


  • Discuss the specific factors influencing the selection/adoption, acceptance and use of Performance Management Systems in organisations


  • Discuss the specific factors that are influencing the implementation of performance management system (PMS) in organisations


  • Discuss how specific factors can contribute to and explain the OUTCOMES of Performance Management Systems e.g. usefulness, efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, quality of information, employee satisfaction, employee performance etc. How can organisations influence the likelihood of positive system outcomes?


3.0 Models, Theories and Conceptual Framework showing influence relationship between independent variables (influencing factors) and dependent variables (PMS)



  • Findings: Findings related to each of the objectives of this paper
  • Implications of Findings
  • Recommendations


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