Annotated Bibliography in APA, MLA, Harvard!

How to Write Annotated Bibliography in APA, MLA, Harvard!

An annotated bibliography is a form of citation (the citation you used to analyze a certain topic in preparation for writing a thesis, dissertation, term paper or research paper). Wondering how to write annotated bibliography paper? Ok, in the annotated bibliography, each citation is followed by a short description together with an evaluative paragraph (the paragraph should contain 4-5 sentences). The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to inform the readers by presenting a clear and strong indication of each citation’s quality, accuracy, and relevancy.


An annotated bibliography also evaluates the purpose of using a specific citation or source and its relevance in the thesis paper, dissertation paper, term paper, or research paper. It explains whether or not it was useful, what were the essential points, etc.


In order for you to start writing an annotated bibliography, you need to keep in mind these things first. You need to always carefully read the instructions of the assignment. If you are still having doubts, check with the professor and confirm the type of your annotated bibliography. Once you know the type you can start writing.


There are Three Main Types of Annotations

• Descriptive or Summary Annotated Bibliography – This type of biography includes a clear and concise overview of the main points, arguments, and evidence.

• Evaluative or Critical Annotated Bibliography – This type of biography analyzes the content, arguments, main points, and evidence.

• Mixed Annotated Bibliography – Most bibliographies require the author to include a summary and evaluation.


One more important thing to keep in mind is that most annotated bibliographies include sources in an alphabetical way. The annotated bibliographies at the end of any paper include relevant and interesting points that could be discussed.


But what if you are not able to write an annotated bibliography? Is there a solution to this problem?


Hiring an Annotation Writer

Our professional annotated bibliography writers understand how important is to write an annotated bibliography in a term paper or in a dissertation. Not only do we have a whole team of writers who can dedicate themselves to helping you with this assignment, but these writers are experienced to provide you with a perfectly written paper with free bibliography along with the paper.


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