Every online retailer (e-tailer) uses a virtual shopping cart application. Team up with another student, research the web for companies that sell such applications, and write a 1,500 to 2,000-word report that summarizes the following points: (a) Who are the major companies that sell these applications? (b) What are the prices of these packages? (c) How long does it take to install the applications? (d) How is the relationship with the bank processing the credit-card payments established? (e) Are there ASPs that offer the use of such systems over the Internet? (Namely, the e-tailer uses a shopping cart application installed at the ASP’s location.) (f) If there are ASPs that rent such systems, what are the payment schemes? Note: Many web-hosting companies offer shopping carts as part of their packages. You may use these companies, but if you do, report whether the shopping cart service must be tied to the purchasing of other services.

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