Performing an Wifi adapter packet injection test to see whether your Wifi adapter is capable of injection can be done easily with Aireplay-ng. Aireplay-ng is great tool to generate traffic for cracking WEP and WPA keys. Another great feature is the Deauthentication option. Take a look and document how this happens on your own personal rounter. Use screenshots and describe the process. Lab 6 is getting the Wireless up on the Kali system and testing aircrack. Lab 7 will be the router attack. For Lab 7, we’re crack the WPA/WPA2 wireless network key using oclHashcat on Windows. Instead of using CPU power to brute force the password we’re going to use the GPU’s, short for Graphics Processing Unit. The benefit of using the GPU instead of the CPU for brute forcing is the huge increase in cracking speed. A GPU is designed to perform repetitive tasks very fast because it has many more cores than a CPU that can be used to process tasks in parallel. Because of the number of cores in a GPU even an older GPU can outperform a modern CPU by using heavy parallelism. The difference between older and newer graphics cards and GPU’s is even larger. The older Radeon 7670M video card in a 2012 laptop does an average of 20kh (20.000 attempts) per second where an AMD HD7970 videocard can do 142kh (142.000 attempts) per second and 8 x NVidea Titan X cards can do 2.233 kh per second. This makes brute forcing routers with easy default passwords, like the TP-LINK (default WPS PIN) or the standard UPC broadband routers (8 capital letters), a piece of cake and just a matter of time. In the first part of the tutorial we created 26 different wordlists which allows us to distribute the wordlist over multiple PC’s with multiple GPU’s. Of course you can and have to question the cost effectiveness of this setup to crack a password because GPU’s don’t come cheap and require massive amounts of power when performing at top speed. Nevertheless it gives us a good understanding of what passwords are strong and what passwords aren’t when using GPU’s to brute force them. Here’s some vids to help. As with the previous assignment, use screenshots to describe your process.

Performing an Wifi adapter packet injection test to see whether your Wifi adapter is capable of injection can be done easily with Aireplay-ng. Aireplay-ng is great tool to generate traffic for cracking WEP and WPA keys. Another great feature is the Deauthentication option. Take a look and document how this happens on your own personal rounter. Use screenshots and describe the process. Lab 6 is getting the Wireless up on the Kali system and testing aircrack. Lab 7 will be the router attack.


For Lab 7, we’re crack the WPA/WPA2 wireless network key using oclHashcat on Windows. Instead of using CPU power to brute force the password we’re going to use the GPU’s, short for Graphics Processing Unit. The benefit of using the GPU instead of the CPU for brute forcing is the huge increase in cracking speed. A GPU is designed to perform repetitive tasks very fast because it has many more cores than a CPU that can be used to process tasks in parallel. Because of the number of cores in a GPU even an older GPU can outperform a modern CPU by using heavy parallelism. The difference between older and newer graphics cards and GPU’s is even larger. The older Radeon 7670M video card in a 2012 laptop does an average of 20kh (20.000 attempts) per second where an AMD HD7970 videocard can do 142kh (142.000 attempts) per second and 8 x NVidea Titan X cards can do 2.233 kh per second. This makes brute forcing routers with easy default passwords, like the TP-LINK (default WPS PIN) or the standard UPC broadband routers (8 capital letters), a piece of cake and just a matter of time. In the first part of the tutorial we created 26 different wordlists which allows us to distribute the wordlist over multiple PC’s with multiple GPU’s. Of course you can and have to question the cost effectiveness of this setup to crack a password because GPU’s don’t come cheap and require massive amounts of power when performing at top speed. Nevertheless it gives us a good understanding of what passwords are strong and what passwords aren’t when using GPU’s to brute force them. Here’s some vids to help.


As with the previous assignment, use screenshots to describe your process.

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