Develop a simple data model for a student database that includes student contact data, student demographic data, student grades data, and student financial data. Determine the data attributes that should be present in each table, and identify the primary key for each table. Develop a complete ER diagram that shows how these tables are related to one another. Develop a simple data model for a student database that includes student contact data, student demographic data, student grades data, and student financial data. Determine the data attributes that should be present in each table, and identify the primary key for each table. Develop a complete ER diagram that shows how these tables are related to one another.

A company that provides a movie-streaming subscription service uses a relational database to store information on movies to answer customer questions. Each entry in the database contains the following items: Movie ID (the primary key), movie title, year made, movie type, MPAA rating, starring actor #1, starring actor #2, starring actor #3, and director. Movie types are action, comedy, family, drama, horror, science fiction, and western. MPAA ratings are G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, and NR (not rated). Using a graphics program, develop an entity-relationship diagram for a database application for this database

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