Incident: 72 yr old female Mrs Geraldine Berry sustained left fractured neck of femur (#NOF) and laceration to her head 5cm while walking her dog. Tripped on an uneven pathway. PMH: Hypertension and depression Current Medications: Coversyl 5mg Doxepin 25mg daily Atorvastatin 40mg daily SHx: Lives with elderly husband. Is the primary carer for elderly husband who has had a stroke previously and is mildly impaired. Attends church every Sunday and is responsible for arranging flowers for every Sunday service. She has started volunteering at the St Vincent De Paul’s Meals on Wheels distribution centre two days a week. She lost two children 5 years ago in a car accident. Geraldine is concerned who will look after her husband and their dog Nala. Geraldine and her husband have no children or relatives nearby

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