TST102 Fundamentals of Test Evaluation
Lesson 17 – Assignment RESOURCES I PR INT I HELP
Homework Assignment 1: Your Own Test Plan
Draft a one to two page outline of a test plan for measuring the minimum safe arming distance Critical Technical Parameter (CTP) for the SRAW. This should be a DT&E test plan for evaluating the capability of the SRAW to arm itself a minimum safe distance from the Marine that fires it. Follow the guidance on the next page. The SRAW COD and TEMP can assist you in identifying the proper criteria for this effort and provide other useful information. You can access these documents by selecting the ‘Resources’ button in the upper right area of this page and then selecting ‘SRAW References’ in the pull-down menu.
Your SRAW test plan outline must cover the following seven areas:
• Test Objective; • Test Scenarios/Set-up; • Success Criteria; • Test Article Configuration; • Test Article/Target Requirements; • Confidence Levels; • Test Limitations.
The next screen will give you details about specifi c questions that need to be answered in each area to help focus your res ponse.
Good Luck!
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TST102 Fundamentals of Test Evaluation
Lesson 17 – Assignment RESOURCES I PRIMT I HELP
SRAW Outline Test Plan Criteria
Your SRAW Test Plan must have the following seven subject area headings. Within them, make sure you address the following:
• Test Objective: What is the purpose for conducting this test?
• Test Scenarios/Set – up: Describe specifically how you will set up this test ( in the lab and/ or field ) in order to measure proper functioning of the SRAW CTP. Do not simply paraphrase the TEMP or describe the overall DT approach.
• Success Crit eria: What defines a successful test? A failed test? Hint: How will you know if an individual test is a success? How will you know if the series of tests is successful? Define all three conditions: event success, event failure, and successful test series.
• Test Article Configurat ion: Describe the test article? Do you need full-up systems, or components? Do they need to be inert or “live”? What instrumentation ( if any ) should the test article have?
• Test Article and Target Requirem ent s: How many test articles does the program manager need to buy for your test plan? How many targets do you need? What kind of targets? Hint: Justify your test article requirements using the confidence levels in the next section.
• Confidence Levels: What is the statistical basis for your test? What confidence level and reliability do you expect your test to demonstrate? How many failures should you assume? What probability distribution did you use (binomial, exponential, etc.)? Hint: review Lesson 11. You may want to use the trusty nomograph provided in the SRAW References under the Resources tab .
• Test Limit a t ions: Does your test provide enough information to accurately predict the performance of a production SRAW for the minimum safe arming distance parameter? What additional testing may be required to ensure the production SRAW meets this CTP?
Sub m it your SRAW Test Plan for grading via e-m ail t o your lead inst ructor a t t heir e-m ail address. A passing grade is required for graduat ion. Your e-m ail subject line should read: “SRAW Test Plan”.
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