Create a concise user’s guide to your table (see below) that includes:

  1.  Description of the appropriate use of the table, including all assumptions and limitations.  Provide references to applicable code sections
  2.  Provide definitions and/or explanations of all unfamiliar terms and abbreviations
  3. Create graphics (minimum of one) to aid in the understanding of the parameters used in the table.  Each parameter must be represented graphically.
  4. Include a copy of the table itself
  5. One example problem, worked out in detail showing how to use the table
  6. Two exercises (not worked out) with final answer.

Submit either .pdf or .doc/.docx file via BbLearn


Submittal by Saturday at 6am will make you eligible to be considered for ‘best design aid’.  One project in each of the four categories will receive 5 extra credit points towards homework grade.

Tables/ Topics

Last Name begins with: Table
A- E Rafter Table 2308.10.3(6)
F – K Stud Spacing and Height table: 2308.9.1
L – P Floor Joists 2308.8(2)
R – Z Header and Girder Table 2308.9.5




I want someone to do “Rafter Table 2308.10.3(6)”

I want this homework within 12 hours Maxumium

also I have attached the example of the homework

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