Imagine two different types of airline frequent flyer programs: one that awards points based on flown miles and gives free trips based on accumulated mileage according to a predefined awards schedule (e.g., domestic roundtrip in economy requires 25,000 miles, a roundtrip between North America and Europe in business requires 80,000 miles, a first class roundtrip between North America and Africa requires 200,000 miles) and another one that keeps track of the number of flight segments and gives free trips based on the number of flown segments (e.g., every 10th domestic economy class flight is free). Assume that the system needs to keep track of every customer’s status in the program, based on the cumulative flight distance and frequency either since the customer joined the program or during the previous calendar year. Based on this limited information, explore whether the data modeling solutions for the two types of frequent flyer programs are different. Justify your conclusions and draw the class diagrams for both types of systems, making all necessary assumption

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