1.Draw a neat sketch of a typical high-head, divided-fall hydropower plant and label
the salient components. 2. Describe with sketches a pure pumped-storage power plant.
3. Describe with appropriate sketches an ideal run-of-river plant.
4. Explain:
(a) Load factor
(b) Capacity factor
(c) Flow-duration curve
(d) Power-duration curve
5. Distinguish between:
(a) Base-load and peak-load
(b) Pondage and storage
(c) Run-of-river plant and concentrated fall storage-type plant
6. Write brief notes on
(a) Reserved flow
(b) Effect of storage regulation on FDC
(c) Surge tank
(d) Forebay
7. Following are some of the claims of hydropower from the point of view of environmental concern:
(a) Hydropower helps fight climate change
(b) Hydropower can reduce pollution
(c) Hydropower means clean, affordable power
Elaborate on these views.
8. Explain briefly:
(a) Water year
(b) Annual hydrograph
(c) Flow-mass curve
(d) Environmental flow
9. Describe briefly the sequent peak algorithm method of estimation of reservoir
capacity to meet a known downstream flow demand.
10. Write a brief note on the importance of small hydro projects (SHP) in the current
Indian energy scene.