A.The properties of an autogenous curve for an automobile are given by


(a) true spiral (b) cubic parabola

(c) Bernoulli’s leminscate (d) clothoid spiral

B. An ideal transition curve is a

(a) cubic parabola (b) cubic spiral

(c) parabola (d) true spiral

C. For setting out a simple curve using two theodolites

(a) offsets from tangents are required

(b) offsets from chords produced are required

(c) deflection angles from Rankine’s formula are required

(d) None of the above are required

D. If superelevation is provided, assuming the friction to be zero,

(a) pressure below outer and inner side wheels will be same

(b) vehicle will skid laterally

(c) vehicle will overturn

(d) None of the above

E. Perpendicular offset from the junction of a transition curve and circular curve to the tangent is equal to

(a) Shift (b) 0.5 × Shift (c) 2 × Shift (d) 4 × Shift


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In this case, you have been notified by Mr. Hirum Andfirum, Human Resources Director for the Makestuff Company, that the company has just terminated Mr. Got Yourprop, a former engineer in the company’s New Products Division, for cause. Mr. Andfirum tells you that at Mr. Yourprop’s exit interview earlier that day, the terminated employee made several statements to the effect of “it is okay because I have a new job already and they were VERY happy to have me come from Makestuff, with ALL I have to offer.” Mr. Yourprop’s statements made Mr. Andfirum fear he might be taking Makestuff’s intellectual property with him to his new employer (undoubtedly a Makestuff competitor). In particular, Mr. Andfirum is worried about the loss of the source code for “Product X,” which the company is counting on to earn millions in revenue over the next three years. Mr. Andfirum provides you a copy of the source code to use in your investigation. Lastly, Mr. Andfirum tells you to remember that the Company wants to retain the option to refer the investigation to law enforcement in the future, so anything you do should be with thought about later potential admissibility in court

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