Assessment 2 (Individual Assignment)Step 1: Supply Chain Design• Select one of the following supply chains:– Blood SC– Meat SC (or any food SC, e.g. chicken)– Dairy SC (or any product concerning the Cold SC)– Vaccine SC– Coffee Bean SC (or any Agricultural product)– Humanitarian SC– Car manufacturing SC (or Airplane, Ship, etc.)– Waste Management SC– Other (please have a chat with your tutor before selecting a topic which is not listed above)• Explain design and structure of the selected supply chain and use a network model to provide a schematicoverview of the SC in the country that you are currently studying.• All important aspect of supply chain design should be well explained, e.g. nodes, flow of product/services,risks, decisions, authorities, disruptions, stakeholders, etc.Step 2: Supply Chain Analysis• Identify at least 20 peer reviewed articles where mathematical (quantitative) methods have been used toaddress various knowledge gaps for the selected supply chain.– At least 5 of the selected articles should be published after 2010.• Select at least 2 mathematical (quantitative) methods.– There is no obligation that you select mathematical methods which are covered in this course.– Given that at least 20 peer reviewed articles should be identified for the selected 2 quantitativemethods, 8 to 12 articles should be selected for each quantitative method.– Methods which are used for investigating into the relationship between variables are not considered asmathematical modelling in this assignment. For example, Regression, Logistics Regression, StructuralEquation Modelling (SEM), Partial Least Squares (PLS) are not suitable for this assignment.• Write a comprehensive literature review on the application of “your selected” mathematical methods todesign and analysis of “your selected” supply chain and address the following (but not limited to) points:– How do the selected mathematical methods work?– What problems have been addressed in the selected SC using the selected mathematical methods?– How could the selected mathematical methods help to design and analysis of the selected supplychain?– What are the limitations of selected quantitative methods?– Undertaking any additional critical and/or content analysis on the application of selected quantitativemethods in analysis of selected supply chain results in higher mark.Step 3: Summary of Findings• A summary of findings regarding the selected articles should be explained in this section. Please note thatfindings of the selected articles should be summarised here, not your findings in the previous section.• There is no need to explain the mathematical methods in this section. Only the knowledge gaps and theircorresponding answers from each article should be explained.• If findings of selected articles are related, the relationship between findings should be clearly explained.1Proposed Report Structure• Title: Literature Review on Application of Quantitative Methods in Design and Analysis of “your selectedSC” Supply Chain• Supply Chain Design• Supply Chain Analysis• Summary of Findings• ReferencesNote:• From each article something unique should be explained in the report.• The identified articles do not necessarily address a problem in the country that you are currently studyingin.• Word limit: 2500 ± 500 words• As a RMIT Business student, you are required to use the Harvard referencing system.• The naming convention for both Word and Excel files is: ‘Student Number_Student Name’.Rubric:The assignment report is marked based on the following rubric:Criteria Description WeightSupply Chain Design Refer to the assignmentdescription30%Supply Chain Analysis Refer to the assignmentdescription40%Summary of Findings Refer to the assignmentdescription20%Presentation Quality of writing, grammar,citations, references, formatand structure of report,captions, etc.10%2